Contribute to the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus

There are multiple ways to contribute feedback to the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus:

Email the UAT Steering Committee: You can submit suggestions via the UAT Steering Committee. Please include detailed information, such as including notes on where a new term should be added within the UAT and context from publications to support your suggestion.

Raise an Issue on GitHub: You can create a new issue on GitHub to suggest a single term addition, removal, or change.  Please be detailed with the information you submit, such as including notes on where a new term should be added within the UAT and context from publications to support your suggestion.

Visualize UAT changes using the Sorting Tool: This tool allows you to select a section of the UAT, or even to view the entire UAT, in a hierarchical map where you can expand nodes to explore the structure.  It allows users to click on nodes and drag and drop them to a new location within the UAT tree.  New terms may be added using the input box at the bottom left and clicking the “Add Node” button.  To indicate that a term should be deleted, drag it to the “orphans” node.  Changes made on the sorting tool will be automatically included in feedback using the form on this page.

Join the UAT Users Group:  This is a a discussion and announcements group for users of the Unified Astronomical Thesaurus.  All are welcome to join for the purpose of sharing use cases, submitting feedback, and receiving updates on the project.