UAT Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is comprised of representatives with a direct interest and stake in the development and success of the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. The Committee members serve as representatives of the UAT, promoting it to global astronomy and astrophysics, library and publishing communities, developing test cases and increasing its overall use. The Committee members assess the use of the UAT to gain a broader understanding of its role and impact, and use this understanding to represent the interest of the users when assisting with the refining of the UAT. The Curator focuses on the development of a professional thesaurus, drawing upon outreach and input from the astronomy community. As the steward and owner of the UAT, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) ensures support for the work of the Curator and Committee and the long term development and success of the thesaurus. Committee members serve a one or two year term, with an option to renew. The UAT-SC meets monthly by conference call.

Alberto Accomazzi
(ex officio)
Principal Investigator, NASA Astrophysics Data System
Jennifer BartlettAstrophysics Project Scientist, NASA Astrophysics Data System
Daniel ChivvisDigital Technologies Development Librarian, NASA Astrophysics Data System
Markus DemleitnerCentre for Astronomy at Heidelberg University | German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory
Katie Frey
(ex officio)
Curator of the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus
Edwin HennekenContent, Curation & Collaborations Lead, NASA Astrophysics Data System
Sharon E. HuntLibrarian, NSF’s NOIRLab
Christopher IngleContent & Technical Manager, Institute of Physics Publishing
Michael LeskProf. (ret’d), School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University
Adrian LucySTScI Fellow, Catalog Science Branch, Space Telescope Science Institute
Barry MadoreProfessor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago
The Observatories, Carnegie Institution for Science
Jeff MangumNational Radio Astronomy Observatory and PASP Editor-in-Chief
Demitri Muna (Chair)Chief Science Data Office, NASA
Henrik SpoonPhysics, Astronomy, and Mathematics Librarian, Cornell University
Gretchen StahlmanAssistant Professor, School of Information, College of Communication & Information, Florida State University
Julie Steffen
(ex officio)
Chief Publishing Officer, American Astronomical Society

We thank former UAT Steering Committee members for their service:

Claudia E. Boeris, Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía

Daina Bouquin, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Dudee Chiang, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library

Raffaele D’Abrusco, Chandra X-ray Center

Sébastien Derriere, Observatoire de Strasbourg

Barbara Kern, Science Libraries at the University of Chicago

John Leibacher, National Solar Observatory

Graham McCann, IOP Publishing

Jenny Novacescu, Space Telescope Science Institute

Ricky Patterson, University of Virginia Library

Ethan Vishniac, American Astronomical Society

Sarah Weissman, Space Telescope Science Institute

Peter Williams, American Astronomical Society