Frey, K and Bukovi, K. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus: Usage Stats and Release Cycle. Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 4, Number 4 (2020). 2020RNAAS…4…58F
Frey, K., Accomazzi, A. The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus: Semantic Metadata for Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 236, Issue 1, article id. 24, 7 pp. (2018). 2018ApJS..236…24F
Frey, K., Weissman, S., Kern, B., Lagerstrom, J., Peek, J., Accomazzi, A. Managing Contributions to the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. Library and Information Services in Astronomy VIII: “Astronomy Librarianship in the era of Big Data and Open Science”, Strasbourg, France, Edited by Lesteven, S.; Kern, B.; D’Abrusco, R.; Dorch, B.; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 186, 2018. 2018EPJWC.18609003F
Frey, K., Erdmann, C., Accomazzi, A., Rubin, L., Biemesderfer, C., Gray, N., Soles, J. Management of the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. Open Science at the Frontiers of Librarianship. Proceedings of Library and Information Services VII, Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy. June 17-20, 2014. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 492. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2015, p.204. 2015ASPC..492..204F.
Accomazzi, A., Gray, N., Erdmann, C., Biemesderfer, C., Frey, K., Soles, J. The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII. Proceedings of a meeting held 29 September – 3 October 2013 at Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Hawaii, USA. ASP Conference Series, vol. 485, 2014, p.461. 2014ASPC..485..461A.
Frey, K. Soliciting Contributions for the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. Library and Information Services in Astronomy VIII Conference, Strasbourg, France. June 9, 2017.
Frey, K. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. 227th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Author and Referee Workshop, Kissimmee, FL. January 6, 2016. video
Erdmann, C., Frey, K. The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. IAU General Assembly, Meeting #29, id.2254692. August 2015. 2015IAUGA..2254692E.
Frey, K., Erdmann, C. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. Workshop on Shared Curation of Astronomical Literature, Wolbach Library, Cambridge, MA. June 12, 2015.
Soles, J. and Frey, K. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus: Bringing Together People, Terms, and Organizations to Classify Infinity… and Beyond! Data Harmony User Group Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. February 20, 2013.
Frey, K., Erdmann, C., Accomazzi, A., Rubin, L., Biemesderfer, C., Gray, N. Classifying infinity… and beyond! Library and Information Services VII Conference, Naples, Italy. June 19, 2014.
Frey, K., Ford, J., Rubin, L., Soles, J., Accomazzi, A., Erdmann, C., Gray, N., Biemesderfer, C. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. June 10, 2013.