Those involved with the UAT would like to thank the AIP, IOP, IVOA, AAS and IAU, as well as Robyn & Bob Shobbrook, Helen Knudsen, Marlene Cummins and Liz Bryson, who in the early 90s developed an earlier thesaurus, endorsed by the IAU, which the UAT has extensively drawn upon.
Starting around 2006, Rick Hessman began collecting modifications and updates to the 1993 IAU thesaurus, and supplied some of the motivation for the current exercise.
Metadata Crosswalk Project
The UAT Steering Committee would like to thank Kelsey Gibson, Katie Jones, and Jaihyun Park for their work building crosswalks between previous thesauri efforts and the UAT.
International Astronomical Union Thesaurus / Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Crosswalk
by Kelsey Gibson
Physics & Astronomy Classification Scheme Keywords / Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Crosswalk (pending)
by Katie Jones and Kelsey Gibson
International Virtual Observatory Alliance Thesaurus / Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Crosswalk
by Jaihyun Park (School of Information Studies, Syracuse University,
Astronomy Subject Keywords / Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Crosswalk
by Katie Frey
Icarus Keywords / Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Crosswalk
by Katie Frey
- Vocabularies in the Virtual Observatory (IVOA REC)
- The IAU Thesaurus
- Rick Hessman’s Proposed IAU/IVOA Thesauri
- An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy & Astrophysics
- American Astronomical Society
- Astrophysics Data System
- McGill University
- University of Glasgow
- Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Intellectual Property Rights
The AAS holds the copyright for the UAT, who maintain nominal ownership and generally license the thesaurus out under the Creative Commons licensing model. The AIP and IOP are exceptions in that they receive non-exclusive licenses as they contributed portions of their thesauri in the development of the UAT.
Image Credit
Header images